Negotiation Blog

Welcome to the Negotiation Clubs' Negotiation Blog, your go-to resource for mastering negotiation techniques and strategies. Whether you're looking to improve your negotiation tactics for business deals or personal interactions, we've got you covered. Our expert articles provide practical negotiation skills examples to help you navigate any scenario with confidence.

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Discover the Power of Chat-Based Negotiation at The Negotiation Club ai negotiations club night tactics tip Jun 07, 2024

Last night's Negotiation Club meeting was nothing short of exhilarating. The club members gathered over Zoom, not just to refine their negotiation skills, but to engage in a unique practice...

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Be very careful ...Ā Of what decade you still think you're negotiating in? ai negotiations negotiation skills Mar 19, 2024

Because of those personal skills... they're coming back with a vengeance!

First of all, we must realise that negotiation is a personal skill that establishes a specific type of social...

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The New Procurement AI Skills Set?! ai negotiations procurement May 09, 2023

As technology continues to advance, it's clear that AI will play an increasingly prominent role in the business world.

Procurement professionals in particular will need to adapt to the use of AI in...

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AI Negotiations?... be careful what you wish for! ai negotiations Feb 28, 2023

There are many definitions of negotiation but we, at the TNC liken it as...

"A social interaction between two parties, starting with different positions, coming together, to find a...

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