APAC Negotiation Club Concludes Session 3 - Observation & Feedback
Apr 04, 2023
I was absolutely blown away by the insights demonstrated in session 3 of today's meeting of the AOC TNC Club!
The journey to start a future APAC TNC club took a big step forward today as our practice session focused on "Observation" and how it is absolutely essential to negotiators and to any negotiation club.
There were three excellent negotiation practices to observe as well as some wonderful moments to reflect upon.
It is the singular moments that provide insight that make this experience worth while for me, and today there were so many to choose from.
The one that really kicked off the conversation was the use of the word "last" to describe a position.
What made this so interesting?
ā¶ļø When it was used.
ā¶ļø The size of the offer with the positions available
ā¶ļø Each of our perspectives on it... cultural aspects!
Although it might be true that culture plays a significant role in negotiation, there is a huge difference between being told something and experiencing it firsthand.
As a result of using this word today there was a wonderful discussion about how each of us would use it and even suggesting some alternatives like "my best and final offer" or "take it or leave it".
As the session came to an end, some of the parting remarks were perhaps the most rewarding part of what I do.
Participants made it very clear that by practicing, receiving observational feedback and observing others, they would be trying out a new approach in their actual negotiations!!!! I think that's perfect.
Also, my very good friend Elena came to a fundamental learning insight, which was that she has a great ability to take notes, but she did not explore motivational insights in the notes. Once again, a lesson that can be applied immediately.
As a whole, it was a wonderful practice session with a wonderful group.
The final session is next Tuesday, and then we will see if a club is ready to form.
Congratulations to everyone involved!