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Open Questions: Powerful Lessons from last nights Negotiation Club meeting

club night May 19, 2023
provide s title to the blog post and highlights the importance of practice by invoking a quote from Shakespeare

Last night, something truly remarkable happened at our negotiation club meeting.

People from various corners of the world gathered together to enhance their negotiation skills and engage in captivating practice sessions.

This particular meeting stood out for the incredibly creative ideas that were put into play during our negotiations but also for one simple but profound example..


Amidst the excitement, we stumbled upon a poignant lesson about the assumptions we can make from a seemingly simple OPEN question.

As negotiation enthusiasts, we often emphasise the simplicity and significance of an open question.

We frequently discuss its power and impact, but it was during this session that we truly grasped the importance of knowing how to ask an open question correctly.

We had formulated what we believed to be a great open question, tailored specifically to extract three essential pieces of information.

After receiving what we thought were satisfactory answers, we congratulated ourselves on our clever question and assumed we had obtained the necessary information.

However, we were in for a surprise—we couldn't have been more wrong!


This experience turned out to be a fantastic lesson for all of us, offering real-world insight into how the course of a discussion before asking a question can inadvertently lead us astray, resulting in the acquisition of incorrect or misleading information.

It served as a stark reminder that even the most well-intentioned questions can yield unforeseen consequences if not framed appropriately.

While we can endlessly discuss negotiation skills and tactics, there is truly no substitute for putting them into practice!

It is through experiential learning that we gain a profound understanding of the intricacies and nuances of negotiation.


The Negotiation Club provides a platform where individuals can engage in practical exercises, learn from their mistakes, and refine their negotiation strategies in a supportive and collaborative environment.

It offers a fantastic opportunity to experience firsthand the dynamic nature of negotiations, engage in interactive sessions, and network with like-minded individuals.

Remember; negotiation is an ever-evolving skill that requires continuous practice and refinement.

Join us at The Negotiation Club and embark on a journey of growth and mastery.

Together, we will unlock the secrets of successful negotiations.

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If you've never had an opportunity to practice your negotiation skills then you are very welcome to try it at our next TNC Taster session...

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